Category Astronomy
Have you ever wondered why we call the days of the week Sunday, Monday, or Friday? The answer lies in the stars! Our weekdays are named after celestial bodies - the Sun, Moon, and five planets visible to the naked eye. This fascinating connection between our calendar and the cosmos reveals a rich tapestry of ancient astronomy, mythology, and cultural beliefs that have shaped human civilization for millennia.
Unlocking Lunar Mysteries: Chandrayaan-3
India's Chandrayaan-3 mission has several objectives, including landing safely on the moon, deploying a rover, and conducting scientific experiments. Here are some potential lessons that the world can learn from this mission.
UFOs: The Phenomenon That Has Fascinated People for Centuries
Dive into the captivating story of Project Blue Book and the ongoing investigation into the UFO phenomenon. Discover compelling evidence, such as the Stephenville TX UFO sightings, that suggests UFOs are more than just a figment of the imagination. Join…
Voyager 1 and 2: Humanity’s First Interstellar Missions
A mission planned to explore the distant planets of solar system now became an interstellar mission. In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft to explore the outer planets of our solar system and beyond. The mission…
JWST: The Telescope That Will Change Our Understanding of the Universe
The Hubble Space Telescope has been our window into the universe since the 1990s, showing us just how vast and expansive the cosmos really are. In fact, the Hubble Deep Field photo revealed to us that there are far more…