The Flipped Classroom: How Khan Academy Enables a New Model of Learning

The Flipped Classroom: How Khan Academy Enables a New Model of Learning

The traditional model of classroom instruction involves the teacher lecturing in front of the class and students passively receiving information. This Teacher-Centered approach is now being challenged by a new Student-Centered model called the flipped classroom. The rise of Khan Academy as a free online learning platform is enabling educators to embrace this innovative approach.
The Significance of Wellness in the School Campus

The Significance of Wellness in the School Campus

A healthy and well-rounded learning environment, encompassing not only academic but also emotional and physical well-being, is essential for fostering the holistic development of children. As we explore the importance of wellness within the context of a school campus, we find ourselves delving into the profound insights of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs—a psychological theory that has found its application in education and student well-being.
Building a Remarkable Teaching Team: Retaining Exceptional Educators

Building a Remarkable Teaching Team: Retaining Exceptional Educators

Attracting and retaining exceptional teachers is an ongoing process that requires the commitment and dedication of school governors and administrators. By focusing on creating an inclusive and supportive school culture, providing opportunities for professional growth, and offering competitive compensation packages, we can ensure that our school community thrives and our students receive the high-quality education they deserve.
Nurturing Civic Consciousness: Schools, Campaigns, and Countering Modern Threats

Nurturing Civic Consciousness: Schools, Campaigns, and Countering Modern Threats

In our ongoing quest to instill civic education, the timeless wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi continues to serve as a guiding star. Gandhi's profound statement, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world," resonates as a timeless source of inspiration. His life and work vividly illustrated the transformative potential of non-violence, ethical values, and active civic engagement, offering valuable insights for the challenges we face in today's world.
The Power of Connection: Lessons for Educators

The Power of Connection: Lessons for Educators

We sometimes overlook the timeless wisdom that resides within the hearts and lives of our elders. Our parents and grandparents, the custodians of life's profound experiences and cherished memories, hold within them a wealth of knowledge that can deeply enrich our own journeys as educators. In this article, we embark on a reflective journey, guided by the simple yet profound act of connecting with our elders.