Understanding the Giftedness-Autism Connection

Understanding the Giftedness-Autism Connection

In families impacted by giftedness or genius-level talents, researchers have uncovered an intriguing finding – these families seem to have a higher rate of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than the general population. As an educator seeking to support the holistic growth of students, it is key we deepen our comprehension of this complex linkage between profound giftedness and ASD.
The Power of a Morning Greeting: Setting Students Up for Success

The Power of a Morning Greeting: Setting Students Up for Success

As educators, we know the importance of starting the school day on a positive note. How we greet students first thing in the morning sets the tone for their learning, behavior, and mood throughout the day. A warm, intentional morning greeting can boost students' emotional well-being, reinforce that they are cared for, and strengthen our teacher-student connections.

The Need for Theological Studies in Childhood Education

Studying theology helps nurture children's spiritual quotient (SQ), which is their ability to find meaning, purpose and value in life. Exposure to religious stories, rituals and practices helps children recognize and appreciate the spiritual dimension of human existence. Learning about theological concepts like the soul, divine will, and the afterlife supports children's innate spirituality and sense of wonder about existential questions.
The Flipped Classroom: How Khan Academy Enables a New Model of Learning

The Flipped Classroom: How Khan Academy Enables a New Model of Learning

The traditional model of classroom instruction involves the teacher lecturing in front of the class and students passively receiving information. This Teacher-Centered approach is now being challenged by a new Student-Centered model called the flipped classroom. The rise of Khan Academy as a free online learning platform is enabling educators to embrace this innovative approach.